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Showing posts from March, 2020

IR Based Parking System

Summary: When IR Sensor detects an obstacle it sends signal to the arduino board.Arduino board based on code shows total number of vacant places,this will be displays on LCD display.Further,idea was to send this data to the web server which will display the number of vacant places and other information on the webpage.web page is created by using HTML language.  Fig: IR Based Parking System Setup Components Used: 4 -IR Sensors 1 -16x2 LCD Display Arduino Board 10k Potentiomete r Arduino code: #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #define sensor1 x = 9 #define sensor2 y = 8 #define sensor3 i = 6 #define sensor4 j = 7 int sensor1,sensor2,sensor3,sensor4; LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); byte b[8] = {  B00000,   B00000,    B10001,    B01010,   B00100,  B01010,  B10001  }; byte s[8] = {  B00000,  B00000,  B0...


Fig: Circuit Diagram for Mod 6 Counter. WORKING: Mod 6 counter should count from initial state 0 up to 5.Circuit diagram for Mod 6 counter is shown above. After 5 counter enters state 6 ,it should reset to state 0. Here mod 2 and mod 5 are cascaded i.e. Clk B is connected to Qa. s1 and s2 are not used so they are connected to the ground. When counter enters state no.6 Qa and Qd will become '0'  and Qb and Qc becomes '1'.i.e.In binary 6 is written as 0110 ,so we count bits from Qd to Qa(from right to left). The AND gate input is given to r1 and r2 ,and the counter will be reset. For mod 9,Qa and Qd wil be '1' ,Qb and Qc will be '0'.